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How to Make Healthy Baby Teething Rusks

Updated: Apr 10, 2021

When your poor baby is not themselves due to teething pain, why not try these simple homemade, healthy teething rusks to help relieve their pain! Follow our easy instructions below...

Note: The World Health Organization recommends no solid food for babies under 6 months of age.


200 grams of sweet potato/yams

1 x organic chamomile tea bag (optional- for flavour)

1 x cup of oat flour (or you can blend up a cup of rolled oats into a fine, flour-like texture)

2 x tablespoons of light olive oil (or other light oil you have)


- A utensil to puree the sweet potato, I'm using a Beaba Baby Cook Neo, but you can use a blender or bar mix!

- Baking/parchment paper

- A baking tray

- A rolling pin

- A rolling pizza cutter or sharp knife

👶🏻 VIDEO 👶🏻

👶🏻 METHOD 👶🏻

  1. Watch the above video to get an idea of how easy this recipe is! If you're a visual person like me, a video will really help!

  2. Peel and chop the sweet potato/yams into 1cm cubes (so that they boil quickly). Boil the kettle and place the boiling water in a pot on a hot stovetop.

  3. Place your peeled and chopped sweet potato/yams into the boiling water pot carefully, and add the organic chamomile tea bag for flavour (optional).

  4. Once the sweet potato/yams are fully cooked and soft, remove the teabag from the pot and drain water, leaving just a tiny bit of water in the pot to assist you with pureeing.

  5. It's time to puree your sweet potato/yams! Use a bar mix, a blender or a Beaba Baby Cook Neo to blend the vegetable until its completely soft with no lumps.

  6. In a large bowl, add the sweet potato/yam puree, 1 x cup of oat flour and 2 x tablespoons of light olive oil. Mix well until ingredients are fully blended together.

  7. Line a baking tray with baking/parchment paper. Add some oat flour (or regular plain flour) to a large chopping board or flat surface, and roll out your mixture flat using a rolling pin!

  8. Once your mixture is totally flat, transfer it to your baking tray lined with baking/parchment paper. Use your rolling pizza cutter or a sharp knife to cut/score the mixture into elongated pieces of rusk.

  9. Bake in the oven for 180 degrees Celsius/250 degrees Fahrenheit for 20-25 minutes, until firm and you see golden coloured rusks appear. Remove from oven, leave to cool and go over the rusk lines with your pizza cutter to break them off.

  10. Leave to cool, and store in an air-tight container (lasts for approx. 3 days). Rusks are OK to freeze. I hope your baby enjoys these simple, healthy and tasty teething rusks!

So that's it! We hope you enjoyed our little blog post on how we make homemade, healthy and simple baby teething rusks! ♡ Any questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you! Tag us at @thejohannessenfamily or contact us!

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